Joint pain is something people of all ages experience. You could have arthritis, which is a condition where the joints in the body become inflamed. This makes general movements rather difficult. If you do suffer from joint pain, then going for regular swims in your fibreglass pool may be able to help you.

People who suffer from joint pain are often recommended low-impact exercises like swimming. When you go swimming, the buoyancy present in the water, together with the water’s gentle resistance, can help you exercise effectively. You can also relieve joint pain in this way.

Swimming to relieve joint pain

When you go swimming, the weight of your body is largely supported thanks to the buoyancy of the water. You’ll be exercising in an environment that is relatively weightless. The support that the water provides can help overcome pain in the joints, and enable you to feel better.

Swimming can also help you to tone the supporting muscles in the body. High-impact exercises like running can have the opposite effect and leave your joints feeling more painful. But swimming in your fibreglass pool in perth can help you relieve joint pain. This is why swimming is an ideal exercise for people with joint pain, those recovering from injuries or surgeries, and even people suffering from disabilities.

Swimming also has the effect of reducing the risks associated with arthritis. You’ll be able to maintain the structure of your joints, as well as the strength of your muscles. If you want to do exercises that can help keep arthritis at bay, then swimming could be perfect for you.

What can you do to relieve joint pain in the water?

Swimming laps in your pool on a regular basis is more than enough to relieve joint pain. But there are also other exercises that you can do in the water as well, aside from swimming.

You can consider aqua jogging. This is basically where you go running but inside your fibreglass pool. When you go aqua jogging, less weight is placed on your joints. Your joints experience at least 50% less stress when you aqua jog, compared to when you go running or walking on land. You should, however, try not to overdo your water-based exercises. This is because you could end up aggravating your joints if you exercise too hard.

Exercising in the water can feel really good, so you could end up exercising more than you should, which can cause your joints to ache.

Another option for you is water aerobics. All you need is water that is waist-deep to do your exercises in. You’ll need to use your upper as well as your lower body to do these exercises. Before doing water aerobics, you should warm up your body for at least ten minutes first.

How should you use the pool to relieve joint pain

You can keep your joint pain at bay, and walk without feeling a constant ache in your joints when you go for regular swims. Even doctors recommend that people with joint pain go swimming, to help relieve their pain. If your joints are feeling painful and stiff, then swimming can nearly instantly help you to feel better.

The buoyancy that the water has provides you with freedom related to how you can move in the water. The water will support you as well, allowing you to exercise for as long as you want to, without your joint pain affecting you.

But what should you do to relieve joint pain in your fibreglass pool?

Start small

Start exercising by walking in the forward direction. Your shoulders should be aligned with your hips, and your hands should be by your sides. Use your heel to walk, and with each step, roll into the ball of your foot. Once you do this, then you’ll be pushing off using your toes.

At this point, start swinging your arms such that they are in the opposite direction of your legs. As you do the exercise, you’ll need to push and pull the water by your side, as you move forward.

Shifting backward

Research done in Japan has shown that if you walk backwards in the water, you’ll be able to engage more muscles in your body. You’ll especially be engaging the muscles that are around your spine, your quads, as well as your shins. You’ll also be able to boost your heart rate.

Moving in a backwards direction in your pool can also help you keep your balance. To do this exercise, you’ll first need to turn your attention to your toes. Stand on your toes and then start applying pressure on the balls of the feet. After this, you’ll need to roll onto your heels. At the same time, move your arms and legs in opposite directions. You’ll need to push down on the water. Use your hands to push the water behind you away.

Using the deep end

When your body is more submerged in the water, the load you feel on your joints will be less. Should you have arthritis of either the spine or the shoulders, then you should keep your upper body below the water. This can help you increase the benefits associated with exercising in the water. You’ll be able to burn more calories while also getting a better motion range.

You can also think about wearing a buoyancy belt, which can help you to stay upright in the water.

Being safe

You can use water shoes to stop yourself from slipping in the fibreglass pool. You can also make use of webbed gloves to add more resistance to your exercise routine. A buoyancy belt helps in stabilizing the body as well.


Swimming in your fibreglass pool can help you relieve joint pain. The water resistance and buoyancy present in the water can support you while you exercise. You can make use of accessories as well, like water shoes and buoyancy belts, to help you while your exercise. This guide can help you learn how joint pain can be relieved by swimming, and also teach you some basic exercises you can start doing today.

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